I will have to try this on the weekend. I LOVE mango and quinoa and the parsley flavor will bring out the flavors nicely. Mmmmm. Will let you know if it stood up to my expectations.
It was alright. It needed more lemon, some avocado and chopped cilantro- then it would have been delicious!
From http://strawberrypepper.com/2010/07/03/quinoa-mango-salad/
Quinoa Mango Parsley Salad
I see a lot of quinoa-tropical-fruit-cilantro recipes floating around, and I love to eat all of them. But this week when I wanted a light quinoa meal, I didn’t have any cilantro. Instead all I had was this beautiful bunch of parsley. Cilantro and parsley are very different flavors, but I didn’t see why I couldn’t make a delicious quinoa salad with parsley. And now, post deliciousness, I am able to provide you with another great recipe for summer eating that is healthy, simple, tasty, and colorful! I love the juxtaposition of sweet mango with tangy (some might think spicy) chili powder, and the parsley just brings a bright freshness to the dish.

For those of you who have never had quinoa, it is the most amazing grain (err
psuedocereal, same difference)! It is a complete protein source, having a full set of the essential amino acids, and very high in protein for a grain. It also is a good source of fiber and many other essential vitamins and minerals. I used red quinoa instead of the more common white quinoa, mainly for the color, though red quinoa is also a bit chewier.
The mango is really the highlight of this dish, with its beautiful vibrant yellow-orange color and flavorful sweetness. If you have questions on how to cut a mango, I will refer you to this post on
VeganYumYum. Though that is not my favorite way to slice a mango for dicing, it will work well, and it certainly is my favorite method for eating them fresh!
Quinoa Mango Salad
2-4 servings as a side
1/2 cup red quinoa
3/4 cup water
1 mango diced
1/4 cup parsley, chopped
juice of 1/2 lemon, about 2 tbsp
1 1/2 tsp chili powder
1/4 tsp salt, to taste
pepper, to taste
1. Cook the quinoa: bring to quinoa and water to a boil, then turn heat to low and simmer for 20 minutes until all the water is absorbed, or per package instructions. Note: the ratios for white quinoa are different (1:2 quinoa:water)
2. In a large bowl, mix together the cooked quinoa, diced mango, parsley, lemon juice, chili powder, salt, and pepper.
3. Eat warm or chilled!
Note: This dish is even better the next day!
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